Solutions for Wildlife Conflicts
Please click on the appropriate link below for tips.
I need help removing or coexisting with...
- Bats
- Coyotes and Foxes
- Deer
- Mice
- Geese
- Gulls
- Hiring an animal removal service
- Trapping wildlife
- Wildlife in my basement
- Wild animal in the chimney or fireplace
- Wildlife in my attic or eaves
- Wildlife under my porch or deck
- Wildlife in my garage or shed
- Wildlife in my garbage can or dumpster
- Wildlife in my yard or garden
If you have further questions or would like to speak with one of our staff or volunteers directly about an animal situation, please call our Wildlife Hotline at 414-431-6204.
If you are outside of Milwaukee County, please click here to go to the Wisconsin DNR’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Directory or call the DNR’s Call Center (from 7 am to 10 pm) at 1-888-WDNRINFo (1-888-936-7463) to find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in your area. Thank you!