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Kind Kids Spotlight

A huge round-of-a-paws to these kids who have done wonderful things to help animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society!

If you’ve done a project for animals and would like to tell us about it, email us and you could appear on our web site!

Looking for ways to help animals? Check out our Kids Can Help page and get started today!

Zach's Lemonade Stand



 We're sending a "sweet" shout out to Zach! He held a lemonade stand and wanted to donate half of his proceeds to help the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society. He was so excited with his success he donated the entire amount.  Thanks Zach!




Lilly & Ivy's Lemonade Stand



A huge shout out to Lilly and Ivy who held a lemonade stand, raised $149, and donated it to help the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society!  You are both so kind and generous - PAW-some job!!




Sugar Maple School


 Thank you to the Kindergarten class at Sugar Maple School! These enterprising animal advocates hosted a bake sale with the proceeds going to the Wisconsin Humane Society.  They raised just over $300.  That's a lot of dough! 




Bri & Claire

Bri and Claire, students at Richards Elementary School, donated treats to our food pantry. The girls held a bake sale for a school project and donated the proceeds to WHS. Bri and Claire made homemade dog treats and raised over $100 for the animals in need.  Great job and thank you so much for helping the animals!

Madison Elementary School

Ms. Petrisko's kindergarten class at Madison Elementary collected toys and food for the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society. The students brought them in when they came for a field trip. The students were excited to help out all the animals at WHS!  Thank you so much for your hard work and for helping the animals!


Tremper High School's National Honor Society

Tremper High School's National Honor Society hosted their annual dodgeball tournament, which raised an impressive $825 for the Kenosha Campus! The members started planning back in October, and everyone had the opportunity to step up for leadership positions regarding the setup for the entire tournament. Every member of the National Honor Society played some sort of role in the fundraiser, and students from both Bradford and Indian Trail joined in on the fun. Overall, it was an amazing experience for all involved.

Troop 8118

Wow! Their Troop Leader issued a challenge and these girls accepted collecting over 250 items for the animals at our shelter! These ambitious girls can be proud that their puppy pads, cases of peanut butter and handmade blankets are getting put to good use. Thank you ladies for your kind hearts and hard work! 

Hope Squad Makes Fleece Blankets

The Hope Squad at Horace Mann Elementary School made fleece blankets so our animals can be warm and comfortable during their stay at WHS. Thank you so much for taking the time to make these much needed blankets and for wanting to help the animals!

Brayden's Eagle Scout Project

Brayden has been working towards earning his Eagle Scout Award and chose to help the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society as part of his service project. He collected monetary donations as well as items off our wish list.  All of these donations will help the animals at our shelter and will help animals in our community. Thank you for your hard work and love for animals!

Shalom Club - Notre Dame School

The Shalom Club from the Notre Dame School of Milwaukee held a coin drive with all proceeds being donated to the Wisconsin Humane Society.  Thank you so much for your hard work and generosity.  The funds you raised will do great things to help the animals!

Nyjal's Community Service Project

Nyjal is an 8th grader at Wedgewood International Park Middle School. He did a donation drive for his community service project where he collected items of need for the shelter and the animals.  Thank you for your hard work Nyjal - these donations will help our animals!

Walker Elementary School

These students from Walker Elementary School made toys to donate to the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society.  Thank you all for taking the time to make these and for your generosity!

Atwater Elementary

These 1st Graders at Atwood Elementary learned about service and compassion in February. They put this theme in action by making fleece tie blankets for the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society! Thank you so much for your kindness, compassion and generosity! 

Brynn's Service Project

Brynn is a 6th grader at Wisconsin Virtual Learning and chose to help the animals at WHS with her Junior Honor Service Project. Brynn collected 102 fleece blankets for the animals!  This is just amazing and we are grateful for your hard work and generosity, Brynn!

Westlawn Elementary Student Council

The student council at Westlawn Elementary in Cedarburg held a donation drive and collected so many needed items for the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society!  The animals and community will greatly benefit from these items. Thank you for your hard work.

Oscar Grady Library Makes Blankets

These volunteers from the Oscar Grady Library had an awesome time making pet blankets and enrichment toys for the Wisconsin Humane Society.  Our animals always need blankets and toys and we appreciate the time you took to make these!  THANK YOU! 

Carter's School Project

Carter had a school project where he chose to help the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society.  He collected donations and made a lot of toys, like A LOT of toys! Carter got to walk through the shelter and see the animals he's helping, including Thor & Roxy.  Carter - you are a rock star! The items you collected and the toys you made will help the animals at WHS.  Thor, Roxy and everyone at WHS is sending you a huge THANK YOU! 

Cadette Troop 31557

Melissa and Bella are Cadette Girl Scouts working on their Silver Award. They chose to help the animals at WHS by collecting much needed items and taught younger troops how to make fleece blankets.  They also brought in a cash donation!  We think these two are the "cats meow" and the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society are so grateful for all of their hard work! 

Girl Scout Troop 10435

These Girl Scouts have been working on their Bronze Award Project for Girl Scout Juniors which included doing a community collection for pet food, toys and supplies and making blankets and toys by hand.  The girls called their project "For the Love of Pets".  Thank you so much for putting in all the time and effort on this project Girl Scout Troop 10435 - our furry friends will love this!





Wilson Elementary Girls on the Run

A huge shout out to the Wilson Elementary Girls on the Run Club!  They held a bake sale and sold lemonade and all the proceeds came back to WHS to help our furry friends.  Thank you to the entire club for your hard work!  





Elm Dale Elementary 4K Class

This amazing K4 class at Elm Dale Elementary did a fundraiser for the animals at WHS and got to come in today for a tour! The kids were excited to hear their donations got doubled today!  Thank you to these awesome kids for the work you did, the art you made and for visiting our little kiddos (kittens)!  





Cadette Troop 31594

Thank you to Girl Scout Cadette Troop 31594!  These girls baked dog "cookies" to give to people that donated to WHS, they collected donations at their toop cookie booths, they made blankets and bought much needed items with the money they collected.  This is so incredibly generous and will go a long way to help our furry friends.  Thank you girls!!  





Stormonth Elementary Second Graders

This second grade class at Stormonth Elementary in Fox Point collected $300 for the animals at WHS through a coin collection!  What a hard-working and generous group of kids.  The money that was raised will go to help our furry friends and community!  Thank you!





McKinley Elementary Girls on the Run

McKinley Elementary's Girls on the Run team created supply bags for our Furry Friends Food Panty!  The girls collected food, treats and toys and then decorated the bags.  What a great idea and what a great thing to do to help our community!  Now our pets won't "run" out of food!  Thank you for your kindness and generosity!  





Girl Scout Troop 13024

Girl Scout Troop #13024 attended a Scout Night at the Wisconsin Humane Society. During this night they got to hang out with their troop while also meeting some of our furry friends.  Thank you for your generous donation girls!  This money will go a long way to help the animals!




Happy Birthday Ruby!

Ruby celebrated her birthday with her friends at the Wisconsin Humane Society and asked for monetary donations.  Ruby was able to collect around $200!  Ruby, you and your friends will help the animals and our community and we are grateful to you!   Happy Birthday!




Donations from Edgewood Elementary

The 4th Grade Class at Edgewood Elementary in Oak Creek collected over 900 items for the animals at WHS!  These items are so appreciated.  This is amazing - thank you for all of your efforts!!




Colby Jean Birthday Donations

Colby Jean is an animal lover! She didn't want presents for her 7th birthday and instead wanted to give back to the animals in need.  She raised $200 for the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society and was able to drop off the money this weekend.  Happy Birthday Colby Jean and thank you for your generosity!  The animals and community will benefit from your kindness!




Zanders Golden Birthday

Instead of gifts for his 9th and Golden Birthday, Zander asked for donations for WHS! What a kind and generous way to help the animals and our community Zander!  Happy Birthday to you and thank you to all who donated!



Holy Family Parish School

The first and second grade classes at Holy Family Parish School made 36 homemade dog toys for the animals at WHS! This was part of their Advent service outreach. They viewed the animals on the website and shared stories of their own pets.  Thank you for your generosity!! 



Kids Impact Community & Schlitz Audubon

Preschool kids and their families met at the Schlitz Audubon Nature Preschool Fall Open House and made these Bunny Hay Feeders for WHS.  It was a great collaboration between Kids Impact Community and Schlitz Audubon.  What a fun experience for these youngsters! 



Olivia's Birthday Donations

Olivia collected donations for the Wiscsonsin Humane Society for her 10th birthday.  Olivia, these donations are greatly needed for our animals and community.  Thank you so much for being such a rockstar and happy birthday!



Girl Scout Troop 8210

THANK YOU to Girl Scout Troop 8210 in Port Washington! These girls purchased items off our wish list and dropped off 11 bags for the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society. They earned their Take Action and Savvy Shopper Badge.  Thank you so much for your generosity and for making a difference at WHS!



Aria Sells Pup Cups

Aria loves animals! At 2.5 years old, she is already saying she wants to be a veterinarian or dog groomer. When her parents suggested that she have a lemonade stand Aria had a different idea. She wanted to sell pup cups and dog treats to the neighborhood dogs. When asked what she would do with the money she earned she surprised her parents and said she wanted to give it to the Humane Society to help the animals.  We love your passion, Aria and thank you so much for the donations!


Kind Kids Lemonade Stand

These kind kids had a lemondade stand and donated the proceeds to WHS!  The money they raised will be a great help to our animals!  Thank you for your generosity! 

Crafty Kids

These kids sold crafts to raise money for the animals at WHS. They also collected these donations which are always needed.  What a great idea - thank you so much! 

Hazel's Birthday Donations

WOW!!  Hazel collected all of these donations for her birthday!  These items will go a long way to help the animals at WHS and our community!  What a generous thing to do - thank you Hazel!

Lemonade Stand Donations

Thank you so much to these kids for raising money by holding a lemonade stand!  Your help and generosity will help our furry friends at WHS!  

Averie's Birthday

Happy Birthday to Averie!  Averie asked for donations to the Wiscosnin Humane Society instead of gifts for her birthday.  What an awesome act of kindness and generosity!! Thank you so much for these much needed donations - our animals and community are grateful!

Highland View Elementary - Girls on the Run Program

Thank you so much to the Girls on the Run Program at Highland Elementary School in Greendale! These third and fourth grade girls chose to have a donation drive for our furry friends at WHS!  Fantastic job to all and thank you so much for these donations!!

E.W. Luther Elementary Girls On the Run

Wow!  A huge thank you to the Girls on the Run group from E.W. Luther Elementary School!! The girls held a supply drive where they collected food, toys, blankets and office supplies!  All of these items are needed and are appreciated.  Your generosity will do so much good for our animals and community!! 

Bay View Montessori

Thank you so much to these generous girls from Bay View Montessori School!  They thought it would be nice to ask friends and family to donate items to WHS to help the animals.  They brought in so many great donations even their backpacks were full!  They also got a quick tour where they got to see some of the animals they'll be helping!  Thank you so much Ella, Nadia and Ella!! Our furry friends thank you too!

Grace's Birthday

Grace requested donations for WHS instead of presents at her birthday party.  How very generous of you and thank you for helping the animals at WHS!    

Holy Family School 7th Graders

Thank you so much to the 7th Graders at Holy Family School! As part of their service class, these 7th graders organized a collection of items for the Wisconsin Humane Society. They made fliers, announcements, and created posters to advertise the collection.  




Donges Bay & Wilson Elementary Schools

In celebration of the 101st day of school (dalmation-themed) at Wilson and Super "Twosday" (2/22/22) at Donges Bay, the student council and PTO groups collected money for the Wisconsin Humane Society.  Thank you so much!!




Webelos II from Immanuel Lutheran Pack 61

Webelos II from Immanual Lutheran Pack 61 had to complete a service project for one of their requirements and they chose to collect donations for the Wisconsin Humane Society. They dropped off monetary donations, treats and toys.  Pictured are Joey, Nolan and Ryan.  Thank you so much for helping the animals. 



Troop 10625

This year, Girl Scout "Juniors" Troop 10625 are working on their Girl Scout Bronze Award Project, which is the highest honor a Junior (5th grader) can achieve. The girls collaboratively looked at needs in the community, narrowed down their interests, decided on an area to help and then determined what they could do to help. They decided they wanted to help animals and learn something along the way, so they had a troop workshop in December where they created a number of fleece items, including pet beds, tug toys, squeaky toys, cat toys and LRS bag covers. They are also having a bake sale during the Boy Scout Pinewood Derby on February 26 to help raise monetary funds in support of the animals.  We are so grateful to all of the scouts and are inspired by their hard work in supporting animals in need!




Thank you so much, Elijah! Elijah just celebrated his 6th birthday, and instead of getting presents, decided to collect items off of our wish list for the animals here at the shelter! Inspired by his dog and fish at home, he also collected an amazing $322! We are all inspired by Elijah's generosity and kindness. Happy Birthday!


Brianna and Gabi

We want to give a big thank you to Brianna and Gabi for thinking of the animals during these cold winter seasons! They were working on a Civics Project for their Social Studies class, and decided to make blankets for the animals here at the Wisconsin Humane Society. That is so kind of you! Thanks again!



Wow! Everyone (including the animals) are so grateful to this recent birthday star, Penny! Penny decided to give back to the animals in our shelter instead of receiving gifts for her 5th birthday. Not only did she collect all of the items from our wishlist pictured here, but she raised an amazing $445 to help care for dogs and cats in need. We are so inspired by you, Penny! Happy birthday!


Bright Horizons at Water Town Plank

We want to give a big thank you to the students from Bright Horizons! They collected donations for the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society, and wrote heartwarming letters to pups they saw on the website. We were so inspired to hear that they learned about the importance of animals finding loving homes. The animals will so appreciate their donations. Thank you!



Our pups will be staying warm this winter, thanks to Sydney! Sydney made fleece blankets for the animals here at our Milwaukee Campus as part of a school project. We are so grateful to Sydney for her generous donation and for thinking of the animals! Thank you!



Colton is our kid superhero this week at the Wisconsin Humane Society! He loves his adopted dog Trixie, who is an alumni of WHS. Colton wanted to make sure the rest of the animals at the shelter had everything they need while they waited for their forever family, so he donated supplies for the animals! Thank you so much, Colton!



We were so happy to see our friend Ben again! This is the third year in a row that Ben has collected items from our wish list instead of getting gifts for his birthday. He loves helping the animals, and is inspired by his two dogs at home. We are so appreciative of Ben's amazing generosity! Happy Birthday, Ben!



Thank you so much Aurelia! Aurelia stopped in with her family (including her rescue pup Opie!) yesterday to drop off these donations. She collected items from our wish list instead of receiving birthday presents. We are so impressed by her kindness, and for thinking of the animals on her special day. Thanks, and Happy Birthday Aurelia!



We want to give a big thank you to Chloe, who brought in these donations for the animals in our shelter! Chloe had a birthday recently, and decided to collect items for the animals instead of gifts. Thank you so much of thinking of us, Chloe, and happy birthday!


Abby and Sophie

Abby and Sophie celebrated the end of summer with one last lemonade stand! They used the funds from their sale to purchase supplies for the animals at our Ozaukee Campus. Thank you so much for supporting the animals at the Wisconsin Humane Society!



We are so impressed by our local Eagle Scouts this year! Jake stopped by our Ozaukee Campus to drop off the results of his Eagle Scout project. He made a cart full of donation boxes for the Ozaukee community. Jake's hard work will have a lasting impact for the animals. Thank you so much!


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Monthly gifts MATCHED!

For the first time EVER, new or increased monthly donations will be matched for the next year in memory of Charlie and Carol James, doubling your impact for 12 months! Click here to learn more and become a monthly donor today or increase your current gift.